Sunday, November 27, 2011


well everyone has a football they follow. I do not have one. Do I need to have one??? This year I've decided to follow a team. The process I have for this is not scientific in anyway. The first time I picked a team, i went off how cute their quarterback was. Well that didn't quite fit my needs to well. So i'm in search of another football to like. I've often thought maybe the Miami Dolphins just because I like dolphins. Or the Bears just because I like Chicago. There are a few teams on my blacklist-  I've even thought- hey I have a distant 4th cousin twice removed (???)  who plays for the Cowboys- maybe I should pick them. well I shall keep you all updated on this process!


  1. lol! Funny - it DOES seem that everyone has a football team that they literally live for, huh? (At least, that's what my facebook newsfeed suggests!) I am so, so, sooooo thankful that Chris isn't a football fan... We get lost in shows on the Science, History, and Discovery channels instead. Much more up my alley... :)

    I could never really get into football, even wayyyyyy back when I acutally dated a football player. Just not my cup of tea. :)

  2. I know! well i thought just for fun I am going to pick a team. I'll keep you updated on which one I choose and why! haha.
